I must spend my whole life to find that guy, who would let me know who I am. Even only IN A MOMENT, A HOUR, A DAY. "I don't think two people could have been happier than we have been." I am afraid but I have to wait.
本来不太喜欢新角色和她的草率结局但是结尾加分了 “What if someday you just meet the right man, who worships and adores you, who would do anything for you and be your devoted slave, then what would you do” “I'll pity him.” 结尾吓丈夫挺搞笑就是感觉有点矛盾同性之间有好感的表现是为了制造效果 最喜欢Wednesday的剧本人设台词和情节设计(尤其是面试保姆和夏令营话剧那里)